
清潔沙灘行動計劃BeachCleanupActivity·藉著海岸清潔和廢物分類,提供一個建立團隊合作和義工運動的機會·讓參加者知道人類對沿岸環境造成的破壞·推廣海洋保育和 ...,Beachcleaningorclean-upistheprocessofremovingsolidlitter,densechemicals,andorganicdebrisdepositedonabeachorcoastlinebythetide, ...,2021年8月2日—Abeachcleanupbringspeopletogethertoremovetrashfromabeach.海灘清理將人們聚集在一起,清除海灘上的垃圾...

清潔沙灘行動計劃Beach Cleanup Activity

清潔沙灘行動計劃Beach Cleanup Activity · 藉著海岸清潔和廢物分類,提供一個建立團隊合作和義工運動的機會 · 讓參加者知道人類對沿岸環境造成的破壞 · 推廣海洋保育和 ...

Beach cleaning

Beach cleaning or clean-up is the process of removing solid litter, dense chemicals, and organic debris deposited on a beach or coastline by the tide, ...

2021.8.2空中英語教室筆記>>Beach Cleanup

2021年8月2日 — A beach cleanup brings people together to remove trash from a beach. 海灘清理將人們聚集在一起,清除海灘上的垃圾。 ○ remove (v) 除去Help me ...

4 of the World's Most Successful Beach Clean

From being ridden with trash to being trash-free areas, these successful beach clean-ups have created long lasting impact on local beaches.

Taiwan Beach Cleanup

我們只有3 個人,一支3 人的軍隊,在短短2 個多小時內就清除了大約70 公斤的海洋垃圾。我們在海灘的一部分留下了一個漂亮的凹痕,但遺憾的是,我們需要一百個人才能在幾個 ...


2018年5月4日 — 例句: · Are you going to participate in the beach cleanup this weekend? 你這週末要去參加淨灘活動嗎? · Many beach cleanups are held each year ...

Find a beach clean

Every year thousands of people run beach cleans all over the UK. Take a look and find one near you.

Beach Cleanup

Beach cleanups are an opportunity to see first-hand the rubbish that is washing up or being littered on our coastlines and take an immediate act to make a ...